Kandha Sasti Kavasam Lyrics in Tamil

Kandha Sasti Kavasam Lyrics in Tamil

In the rich cultural heritage of Tamil Nadu, there exists a sacred chant that has been passed down through generations, Kandha Sasti bringing solace and blessings to those who recite it. Kanda Sasti Kavasam is a revered hymn sung in praise of Lord Murugan, the powerful deity of the Hindu pantheon. This ancient chant, penned by the renowned poet Devaraya Swamigal, is a testament to the devotion and faith of the Tamil people, and is a revered part of their spiritual practices. The lyrics of Kanda Sasti Kavasam are a masterclass in poetic expression, weaving together themes of devotion, duty, and the quest for spiritual enlightenment. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the meaning and significance of the lyrics, providing a detailed translation of the Tamil verses into English. Whether you are a devotee of Lord Murugan or simply a seeker of spiritual knowledge, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and understanding to chant the sacred words of Kanda Sasti Kavasam with reverence and devotion.

Introduction to Kanda Sasti Kavasam

In the realm of devotion and spirituality, there are few rituals as revered and powerful as the Kanda Sasti Kavasam, a sacred hymn dedicated to Lord Muruga, the revered deity of the Tamil people. This ancient litany, penned by the legendary Tamil poet, Devaraja Swamigal, has been a cornerstone of Hindu worship for centuries, offering solace, protection, and enlightenment to those who recite it with sincerity and devotion.

As we embark on this comprehensive guide to the Kanda Sasti Kavasam lyrics in Tamil, we will delve into the rich history and significance of this sacred hymn, exploring its origins, meaning, and the profound impact it has had on the lives of millions of devotees around the world. We will also provide a detailed translation of the lyrics, allowing readers to better understand the poetic beauty and spiritual depth of this revered chant.

Whether you are a seasoned devotee of Lord Muruga or simply seeking to explore the rich cultural heritage of Tamil Nadu, this guide will serve as a valuable resource, providing you with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Kanda Sasti Kavasam, and its enduring significance in the lives of those who cherish it.

What is Kanda Sasti Kavasam?

In the rich tapestry of Hindu mythology, there exist countless stories and legends that have been passed down through generations, serving as a testament to the enduring power of faith and devotion. Among these, one of the most revered and beloved is the tale of Kanda Sasti Kavasam, a sacred hymn that has been chanted by devotees for centuries. Translated literally, “Kanda Sasti Kavasam” means “The Song of the Lord’s Victory” – a name that reflects the epic battle between good and evil that is woven throughout the lyrics.

This ancient hymn is said to have been composed by Devaraya Swamigal, a renowned poet and devotee of Lord Murugan, in the 17th century. It is a paean to the Lord of the Skanda family, who is revered as the patron deity of the Tamil people. The lyrics of Kanda Sasti Kavasam are a masterful blend of poetry, philosophy, and devotion, weaving together themes of love, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Throughout the ages, Kanda Sasti Kavasam has been an integral part of Tamil culture, with devotees reciting the hymn on special occasions such as Kanda Sasti, a festival that commemorates the victory of Lord Murugan over the demon king Taraka. The hymn has also been used in rituals and ceremonies, serving as a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-realization. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Kanda Sasti Kavasam, exploring its origins, meaning, and significance, as well as providing a detailed translation of the lyrics in Tamil.

The significance of Kanda Sasti Kavasam

As one approaches the revered Kanda Sasti Kavasam, the anticipation builds. The sacred hymn, a testament to the unwavering devotion of its composer, Sri Thyagaraja Swamigal, is more than just a collection of words and phrases. It is a gateway to the divine, a bridge that connects the mortal with the immortal. The significance of Kanda Sasti Kavasam lies not only in its beautiful melody, but in the profound spiritual significance it holds.

In this powerful hymn, the poet praises Lord Murugan, the remover of obstacles, for his benevolence and protection. The Kavasam is a testament to the Lord’s omnipotence and his willingness to grant victory to those who seek his blessings. The lyrics are a masterful blend of philosophy, mythology, and devotion, weaving together a rich tapestry of sacred sound and meaning.

As one recites the Kanda Sasti Kavasam, the words themselves become a form of spiritual medicine, cleansing the mind and soul of impurities and filling the heart with a sense of peace and inner strength. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the Lord is always present, guiding and protecting us on our journey through life.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into the meaning and significance of Kanda Sasti Kavasam, exploring the lyrics in Tamil and providing a clear understanding of this sacred hymn. Whether you are a devotee of Lord Murugan or simply seeking a deeper connection with the divine, this guide will be your trusted companion on this sacred journey.

Understanding the lyrics of Kanda Sasti Kavasam

As we delve deeper into the sacred chant of Kanda Sasti Kavasam, it is essential to grasp the meaning behind the lyrics. Composed by Devaraya Swamigal, a renowned Tamil poet, this devotional song is a testament to the divine power of Lord Muruga, the revered deity of the Tamil people. The lyrics of Kanda Sasti Kavasam are a masterful blend of poetry and spirituality, weaving together a narrative that is both profound and poignant.

As you recite the lyrics in Tamil, you are not just uttering a series of words, but rather invoking the blessings of the divine. Each line is a prayer, a plea, and a celebration of the Lord’s majesty. The words are imbued with the essence of the Tamil language, which has been woven into the fabric of the chant. The lyrics are a reflection of the poet’s deep devotion and reverence for the Lord, and as you recite them, you are drawing upon the collective energy of the Tamil people who have sung this song for generations.

Understanding the lyrics of Kanda Sasti Kavasam is not just about deciphering the meaning of each word, but also about embracing the emotions and sentiments that underlie the song. It is a journey of self-discovery, a path that leads you deeper into the mysteries of the human experience and the divine. As you immerse yourself in the lyrics, you will find that they are a powerful tool for spiritual growth, a reminder of the transcendent power of love and devotion.

The meaning of the opening verses

As the revered Kanda Sasti Kavasam begins to unfold, the opening verses transport us to a realm of devotion and mysticism. The poignant lyrics, rendered in the majestic Tamil language, set the tone for the sacred chant that is to follow. The opening verses, a masterful blend of poetry and philosophy, introduce the listener to the essence of the Kavasam – the triumphant story of Lord Murugan’s victory over the demon Taraka.

The opening lines, “Kanda Sasti Kavasam, Kanda Sasti Kavasam”, serve as a gentle invocation, beckoning the listener to embark on this journey of spiritual discovery. The subsequent verses, rich in symbolism and metaphor, weave a tapestry of myth and legend that is both captivating and profound. As the lyrics unfold, the listener is drawn into a world of wonder, where the boundaries between the mortal and the divine dissolve.

Throughout the opening verses, the poet’s masterful use of language and imagery conjures forth vivid pictures, evoking the majestic beauty of the divine and the celestial realms. The words seem to dance upon the tongue, like the gentle rustle of leaves, as the listener is carried along on a tide of devotion and awe. As the Kavasam’s opening verses come to a close, the listener is left poised on the threshold of a profound spiritual journey, ready to embark on the sacred pilgrimage that awaits.

Chanting the Sacred: Tips for effective chanting

As you embark on the sacred journey of chanting the Kanda Sasti Kavasam lyrics in Tamil, it is essential to approach this ritual with the right mindset and technique. Effective chanting requires a combination of devotion, focus, and proper pronunciation. Here are some valuable tips to help you achieve a deeper connection with the divine:

As you begin to chant, clear your mind and focus your thoughts on the lyrics and their meaning. Visualize the sacred event of Subrahmanya’s victory over the demon Taraka, and let the emotions of devotion and gratitude flow through you.

Pay close attention to the pronunciation of each word, as the correct enunciation is crucial in conveying the intended meaning and significance. Listen to recordings of experienced chanters or attend chanting sessions to get a sense of the correct tone and rhythm.

Take your time, and do not rush through the chanting process. Pause to reflect on the meaning of each line, and allow yourself to fully absorb the spiritual energy of the lyrics.

Posture and breathing play a significant role in effective chanting. Maintain a comfortable and upright posture, and breathe deeply to calm your mind and focus your energy.

By following these tips and approaching the chanting of the Kanda Sasti Kavasam lyrics with sincerity and dedication, you will be able to tap into the profound spiritual energy of this sacred text and experience a deeper connection with the divine.

Pronunciation guide for difficult Tamil words

As you embark on the sacred journey of reciting the Kanda Sasti Kavasam, the nuances of Tamil pronunciation can be a daunting task. The ancient Tamil language, though melodic and poetic, can be challenging for those unfamiliar with its sounds and rhythms. The Kavasam, a sacred hymn dedicated to Lord Murugan, is replete with intricate words and phrases that require the utmost care and attention to deliver correctly.

In this pronunciation guide, we will delve into the most difficult Tamil words and phrases that may trip up even the most enthusiastic reciters of the Kavasam. From the subtle distinction between the “ku” and “kuu” sounds to the aspirated “th” and “dh” consonants, we will explore the intricacies of Tamil pronunciation that will enable you to chant the Kavasam with confidence and authenticity.

By mastering the correct pronunciation of these words, you will not only enhance the devotional experience but also honor the sacred tradition of the Kavasam. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the most challenging sections of the Kavasam, providing a step-by-step breakdown of the pronunciation for each word and phrase. With practice and patience, you will be able to recite the Kavasam with ease and fluency, and experience the profound blessings that await those who chant this sacred hymn with devotion and dedication.

The importance of chanting with correct posture and breath control

As we delve deeper into the sacred world of Kanda Sasti Kavasam, it is essential to acknowledge the subtle yet significant role that posture and breath control play in the chanting process. The ancient Tamil tradition of chanting these powerful lyrics is not just a recitation of words, but a holistic experience that requires a harmonious convergence of body, mind, and spirit.

Proper posture is crucial in allowing the energy to flow freely, and for the devotee to connect with the divine. When sitting or standing in a relaxed and upright position, the body is able to absorb and transmit the vibrations of the mantra, facilitating a deeper sense of inner peace and spiritual connection.

Breath control, or pranayama, is another vital aspect of the chanting process. By regulating the breath, the mind becomes calm and focused, allowing the devotee to tune into the subtle frequencies of the mantra. A slow and steady breath can help to quiet the mind, creating a sense of inner stillness and receptivity to the divine.

When chanting with correct posture and breath control, the devotee is able to tap into the deeper layers of consciousness, and the words of the Kavasam take on a new dimension of meaning and significance. The ancient Tamil sages knew that the power of the mantra lay not just in the words themselves, but in the way they were pronounced, and the intention and devotion with which they were chanted.

By incorporating these simple yet powerful techniques into our chanting practice, we can unlock the full potential of the Kanda Sasti Kavasam, and experience the profound blessings and transformations that it has to offer.

The role of Kanda Sasti Kavasam in Hindu rituals

In the revered traditions of Hinduism, Kanda Sasti Kavasam holds a sacred place, its melodic incantations weaving a spell of devotion and protection around the devotee. This ancient hymn, penned by Thirugnanasambandar, a 7th-century Tamil saint-poet, has been an integral part of the Hindu ritualistic repertoire for centuries. Its sacred lyrics, rendered in Tamil, are believed to possess the power to ward off evil, bring prosperity, and grant peace of mind to those who recite them with faith and devotion.

As a key component of Hindu rituals, Kanda Sasti Kavasam is chanted during various ceremonies, including the Sasti Festival, which commemorates the triumph of Lord Murugan over the demon Mahishasura. The hymn’s sacred words are believed to imbue the devotee with the blessings of the Lord, and its recitation is often accompanied by the burning of camphor and the offering of fruits and flowers to the deity.

Moreover, Kanda Sasti Kavasam is also recited during times of personal crisis or adversity, as its powerful lyrics are believed to have the ability to protect the devotee from harm and guide them towards a path of enlightenment. In this sense, the hymn serves as a potent symbol of the enduring power of faith and the unwavering presence of the divine in the lives of devotees.

How to incorporate Kanda Sasti Kavasam in your daily routine

As the mystical energies of Kanda Sasti Kavasam swirl around you, it’s essential to integrate this sacred chant into the fabric of your daily routine. By making it a regular practice, you’ll be able to harness its potent benefits and cultivate a deeper sense of connection with the divine. Imagine starting your day with the soothing vibrations of the Tamil lyrics, setting the tone for a day filled with clarity, purpose, and inner peace.

Perhaps you begin by reciting the Kavasam during your morning meditation, as the sun rises over the horizon. As the words flow from your lips, feel the gentle warmth of the sun’s rays infusing your being with light and energy. Alternatively, you might choose to recite it during your daily commute, as the rhythmic cadence of the chant harmonizes with the rhythms of the city, transforming your journey into a spiritual pilgrimage.

As you incorporate Kanda Sasti Kavasam into your daily routine, you may find that its transformative power seeps into every aspect of your life. You may experience a sense of calm and focus in the midst of chaos, or find yourself more resilient in the face of adversity. Whatever the outcome, the key is to make this sacred chant a part of your daily ritual, allowing its ancient wisdom to guide you on your journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Benefits of chanting Kanda Sasti Kavasam

As you embark on this sacred journey of chanting Kanda Sasti Kavasam, you may wonder what benefits you can expect to reap from this ancient ritual. The answer is multifaceted and profound. By chanting the divine lyrics in Tamil, you can experience a profound sense of spiritual upliftment and inner peace. The vibrations of the sacred words have the power to purify the mind, body, and soul, quieting the turbulent waters of the ego and allowing the divine to shine through.

Regular chanting of Kanda Sasti Kavasam is also believed to bring numerous physical and mental health benefits. It is said to alleviate stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and calmness, and even boost the immune system. The chanting of the sacred words is also believed to enhance mental clarity, concentration, and focus, making it an excellent tool for those seeking to improve their mental acuity.

Moreover, chanting Kanda Sasti Kavasam is an excellent way to cultivate a sense of gratitude, humility, and compassion. As you recite the lyrics, you are reminded of the divine blessings that surround you, and you are encouraged to cultivate a sense of awe and reverence for the mysteries of the universe. This, in turn, can lead to a greater sense of connection and oneness with all living beings.

Ultimately, the benefits of chanting Kanda Sasti Kavasam are not limited to the physical or mental realms. They are a reflection of the profound spiritual truths that lie at the heart of this sacred practice. As you immerse yourself in the lyrics and vibrations of this ancient mantra, you will be transported to a realm of inner peace, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Common mistakes to avoid while chanting Kanda Sasti Kavasam

As you embark on the sacred journey of chanting Kanda Sasti Kavasam, it is crucial to be mindful of the mistakes that could potentially dilute the efficacy of the powerful hymn. One of the most common errors is to rush through the lyrics, failing to do justice to the intricate rhythm and melody that underpin the divine words. The Kavasam is not a mere recitation, but a meditative process that requires attention to the subtleties of the language and the music.

Another mistake to avoid is to mumble the words, rather than articulating them clearly. The ancient Tamil script is a beautiful and expressive language, and the sounds and syllables must be pronounced with precision and conviction. This not only enhances the overall aesthetic experience, but also allows the practitioner to tap into the deeper spiritual significance of the Kavasam.

Furthermore, it is essential to maintain a steady, unhurried pace while chanting, rather than speeding through the lyrics in a hasty attempt to complete the ritual. This can lead to a sense of disconnection and disorientation, rather than the expected sense of calm and inner peace. By slowing down and savoring each word, the practitioner can immerse themselves in the essence of the Kavasam, and allow its transformative power to unfold.

How to make Kanda Sasti Kavasam a part of your spiritual practice

As you embark on your journey to chant the sacred Kanda Sasti Kavasam, it’s essential to integrate this powerful mantra into your daily spiritual practice. This ancient Tamil hymn has been passed down for generations, and its potent energy can transform your life in profound ways. By incorporating Kanda Sasti Kavasam into your daily routine, you’ll cultivate a deeper sense of connection with the divine and experience a greater sense of peace, clarity, and inner strength.

Imagine yourself sitting in a quiet, serene space, surrounded by candles and incense, the words of Kanda Sasti Kavasam resonating within your heart. As you chant, feel the vibrations of the mantra coursing through your body, purifying your mind and soul. Allow yourself to become fully immersed in the ritual, letting go of distractions and worries, and surrendering to the transformative power of the mantra.

Make Kanda Sasti Kavasam a part of your daily practice, whether it’s during your morning meditation, before bed, or as a way to consecrate your daily activities. As you commit to this sacred practice, you’ll begin to notice subtle yet profound changes in your life. You may find yourself feeling more centered, more compassionate, and more connected to the world around you.


As we conclude our comprehensive guide to the sacred Kanda Sasti Kavasam lyrics in Tamil, it is essential to acknowledge the profound impact that this powerful hymn has on devotees worldwide. The Kanda Sasti Kavasam, a testament to the unwavering devotion and reverence of the Tamil people, is more than just a hymn – it is a gateway to spiritual enlightenment and a conduit to the divine.

As we have delved into the intricacies of the lyrics, it is clear that the Kanda Sasti Kavasam is not just a recitation of words, but a potent tool that can bring solace, comfort, and protection to those who recite it with faith and devotion. The sacred mantra has the power to transcend time and space, connecting us with the divine and infusing us with a sense of peace and tranquility that is hard to find in today’s fast-paced world.

In this modern era, where technology and materialism often dominate our lives, the Kanda Sasti Kavasam serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of spiritual connection and the enduring power of faith. As we continue to navigate the complexities of life, may the sacred lyrics of Kanda Sasti Kavasam inspire us to cultivate a deeper sense of spirituality and guide us towards a path of inner peace and enlightenment.

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